Saturday, February 12, 2011


Helping to solidify his reputation as the ultimate hoonigan, Monster World Rally Team driver Ken Block and co-driver Alex Gelsomino set the longest jump of Rally Sweden on SS2 Vargåsen in their 2011 Monster Energy Ford Fiesta RS WRC, at the infamous Colin’s Crest.

Named after the late, great Colin McRae, Colin’s Crest is one of the fan favorites in terms of places to watch during WRC Sweden. As driver’s come down the course, fans mark and keep track of how far the cars travel through the air, seeing if anyone has the ability to match the air-time standard set by McRae back in the day.

WRC Sweden has drivers seeing Vargåsen twice during the course of day 2. On the first pass during SS2, Block and Gelsomino covered an airborne distance of 37 meters, securing the Colin’s Crest Award for the longest jump of the day. Later in the afternoon during SS5, the duo upped the ante and added another 2 meters to their first effort for a total of 39 meters of jumping distance, solidifying their hoon status and giving the fans exactly what they wanted to see—flat-out jumping action.

“I am stoked we set the jump record for this rally and actually received an award for doing so, it proves that even on one of my worst days in a rally car, I can still out-hoon all of the top drivers,” said Block. “I would imagine that would have made Colin proud.”